Ragnarok 2024
PL 13.-14. JAN 2024 (8.00-19.00) Ragnarok 2024 ZSTIE - Zespół Szkół Teleinformatycznych i Elektronicznych, WROCLAW Longsword, Saber, Rapier & Dagger and Sword & Buckler Reg. 11.-22.12.2023

(also known as this-one-tournament-valkyrie-blade-does-without-delays ????)
Registration starts on Monday 11th December at 20:00 ⚡️ and will continue until midnight on 22nd December. In each category, for half of the places priority will be given to the teams with the better average HEMA Rating and the remaining are free-for-all (based on the time of registration).
The tournament will be fought in all FEDER open categories: longsword, rapier & dagger, sabre and sword & buckler. We will also have something special for the female fencers -more info to follow.
Brief overview of the rules:
Teams of three will fight in matches consiting of six rounds. Each round has a fixed point cap (the round number multiplied by 5) and total match time limit (2:30 times the round number). Round ends if either team reaches the current point cap or the total match time limit is reached. The points and time don't reset after the round ends; they carry on between rounds.
For example, in a match between teams A and B first round ended with 5:2 for team A, the second ended with 7:10 (team B taking advantage) and the third round ended with 11:13 after 7:30 minute total match time cap was hit.
Every fencer is assigned a role of opening, middle carry or closing. Bouts between fencers happen in a prearranged order. The first round is fought by the opening fencers, then next four rounds are fought between the middle carries and opening or closing fencers from the opposing team (middle carries don't fight each other) and the last round is the closing fencers time to shine ????.
The scoring of an individual exchange is according to the general Polish HEMA Federation FEDER ruleset.
Registration is now open and will last until Midnight 22nd December.
You can register using the form under the link below or contact us directly via Messenger.
Please note it is not required to provide team composition at this point.
Inititial schedule:
-Saturday: longsword, rapier & dagger;
-Sunday: saber, sword & buckler.
Entry fee is 480 zł per team (160 zł per each participant excluding the reserve). If a fencer participates chooses to compete in more than 1 category, there is a 40 zł price reduction for additional categories.
Women's Duo tournaments for teams of two will be played in longsword and rapier & dagger categories. The match will consist of two fights in prearranged order (with points obtained by each team summed up) and then will be carried on as a continous fight until a fixed point limit is reached. Every time on of the fencers receives a hit, she will be switched by her duo. We expect it to be a very exciting and dynamic formula ????
Entry fee for Women's Duo is 250 zł per category.
Unfortunately right now we are not able to provide initial timeframe for Women's Duo, but we will share it with you as soon as we can.
Teams from more than 10 Polish HEMA groups have registered for the tournament, including some of the Poland's best clubs ????. In addition, we are expecting guests from Hungary ???????? ❤️ ???????? .
Starting tomorrow, we will include some information regarding each of the teams. ⚔️
For now, we have a little game for you. We asked an AI (Perchance AI Image Generator, using Stable Diffusion) to imagine the clubs competing in the tournament and we're publishing the best renditions below. The first person to guess the name of the team in a comment under the image will get a free donut at the tournament ☺️????
PS: we have still last places avaible in all tournaments due to some last minute resignations due to medical reasons, so if you had a change of mind and would like to compete, please don't hesitate to contact us (but please hurry!).
SK Registrácia je spustená a potrvá do polnoci 22. decembra.
Prihlásiť sa môžete pomocou formulára pod odkazom nižšie alebo nás kontaktovať priamo cez Messenger.
Upozorňujeme, že v tejto chvíli nie je potrebné poskytovať zostavu tímu.
Počiatočný harmonogram:
-Sobota: dlhý meč, rapier & dýka;
-Nedeľa: šabľa, meč a spokler.
Štartovné je 480 zł za tím (160 zł za každého účastníka bez rezervy). Ak sa šermiar zúčastní, rozhodne súťažiť vo viac ako 1 kategórii, pre ďalšie kategórie platí zníženie ceny o 40 zł.
Ženské Duo turnaje pre dvojčlenné tímy sa odohrajú v kategóriách longsword a rapier & dýka Zápas bude pozostávať z dvoch zápasov v vopred dohodnutom poradí (s zhrnutými body, ktoré každý tím získa) a následne bude pokračovať ako neustály boj až do dosiahnutia pevného limitu bodov. Vždy, keď sa na šermiaroch dostane hit, vymení ju jej duo. Očakávame, že to bude veľmi vzrušujúca a dynamická formula ????
Štartovné na dámske duo je 250 zł za kategóriu.
Bohužiaľ práve teraz nie sme schopní poskytnúť úvodný časový rámec pre Ženské duo, ale budeme sa s Vami oň podelíme čo najskôr.
Na turnaj sa prihlásili tímy z viac ako 10 poľských HEMA skupín, vrátane niektorých z najlepších poľských klubov ????. Okrem toho očakávame hostí z Maďarska ????????❤️ ????????.
Od zajtra pridáme nejaké informácie o každom z tímov. ⚔
Zatiaľ máme pre vás malú hru. Požiadali sme AI (Perchance AI Image Generator, pomocou Stable Diffusion), aby si predstavila kluby súťažiace na turnaji a najlepšie prevedenia zverejňujeme nižšie. Kto prvý uhádne meno tímu v komentári pod obrázkom získa na turnaji šišku zadarmo ☺️ ????
PS: stále máme posledné miesta dostupné na všetkých turnajoch z dôvodu nejakých rezignácií na poslednú chvíľu zo zdravotných dôvodov, takže ak ste zmenili názor a chceli by ste súťažiť, neváhajte nás kontaktovať (ale prosím poponáhľajte sa! ).